At Get Noticed Branding we want to help your business re-open as soon as possible so that you can get #backtowork. With lots of shops and retail outlets looking to open on June 15th we’ve put together this quick reference guide geared towards getting back to business safely... RISK ASSESSMENT This should be carried out to identify potential risks of infection and measures that are in place to minimise this risk. Download this handy template to make sure your bases are covered. Once you’ve identified areas that need alteration or improvement you can look at ways of achieving them. SOCIAL DISTANCING Government guidelines stipulate that everyone must maintain social distancing in the workplace wherever possible. If there are any activities that are required where social distancing can’t be fully adhered to, then measures must be taken to reduce the risk of transmission between people. For example:
Remember: – Social distancing applies to ALL parts of a business, not just the customer-facing side but also entrances / exits staff rooms, kitchens and bathrooms. These can be the most challenging areas to maintain social distancing. Ideally till points should be assigned to an individual. If they need to be shared, they should be shared by the smallest possible number of people and cleaned regularly. You could provide each till point with a bottle of hand sanitiser. You can set up a cleaning station for the till area containing things like disposable gloves, antibacterial spray, blue roll, disinfectant wipes giving staff easy access to the things they need. If you own a shop can you go contactless? If possible, introduce contactless payments throughout the store to minimise contact between staff and employees. You can inform customers about this by using posters, roller banners and exterior A-Boards
ADVERTISING Now measures are in place inside your business, it’s time to start bringing customers in. You can do this in a number of ways; via your website, social media, e-mail marketing and printing…
Prices do not include design and set-up. You are welcome to provide your own artwork as print-ready PDF files with 3mm bleed and crop marks.
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